Animal Communication including animals that have passed over
- First communication (approx 45 mins) £1 per min
For the first communication consultation, whether the animal is alive or has passed over, I will connect with them then check that you recognise him/her as your pet before I continue with the communication. There may be specific questions you would like answered or issues you need clarified from the communication. These should be provided beforehand, together with a good quality photo (either sent in the post or emailed) of your animal with both eyes clearly visible. A short consultation form will be completed before the first communication, so please provide me with your contact details along with the animal’s name, age and breed.
It is difficult to specify exactly how long a first communication will take as they vary from animal to animal, but as a rule of thumb it will last between 45 and 60 minutes.
- Subsequent communication (approx 30 mins) £1 per min
Sometimes it is useful to have a follow-up communication to ask more specific questions and these contacts tend to be shorter.
Finding Lost or Missing Animals
- First communication (30-60 mins) £1 per min
I have had success in tracking missing animals in the past, but it is one of the hardest types of communication. All I will need is a good quality photo of the animal (either sent in the post or emailed) with both eyes clearly visible together with the animal’s name and age, if known. Any information about the animal’s disappearance could help. It is very difficult to specify how long the communication will last as it will very much depend on the animal’s particular circumstances.
If you have lost your pet but have difficulty paying the fees, then get in touch with me anyway and we will come to some arrangement.
Animal Healing
Contact healing: - First consultation (60-75 minutes) £45.00
The first session will begin with the completion of a consultation form and discussion about specific problems. This will take place in the carer’s home, stables or yard with the carer present, and involve scanning the animal to find energy blockages followed by hands-on or hands-off healing according to what the animal finds more comfortable.
- Subsequent treatments (60 minutes) £40.00
Distant healing: - First consultation (30-45 minutes) £35.00
As with contact healing, a consultation form will need to be completed before healing commences, and this can be done via a phone call prior to the first healing session or via email. Distant healing tends to take slightly less time because there are no distractions and I can connect with and focus on the animal immediately. In order to send distant healing, I will need a good quality photo (either sent in the post or emailed) of the animal with both eyes clearly visible.
- Subsequent treatments (30 minutes) £30.00
Reiki Healing
Contact healing - First consultation (60-75 mins) £45.00
The first session will begin with the completion of a consultation form and discussion about specific problems. The healing itself will follow with you either seated or lying on a couch. You will remain fully clothed throughout the treatment while I channel the energy through my hands which will be on or above your body. At the end of the session, it will be useful to have a brief chat to get feedback on how you felt.
- Subsequent treatments (60 minutes) £40.00
Sometimes one Reiki session can be enough to solve whatever problem is being addressed. However, very often a course of two or three sessions can really get to the root of any issues, bring them to the surface and release them. Reiki can also be given just as a pick-me-up treatment or sheer indulgent relaxation!
Distant healing - First consultation (30-45 minutes) £35.00
As with contact healing and distant healing for animals, a consultation form will need to be completed before healing commences, and this can be done via a phone call prior to the first healing session or via email. Distant healing tends to take slightly less time because there are no distractions and I can connect with and focus on the person immediately. In order to send distant healing, I will need a good quality photo (either sent in the post or emailed) of the person requiring healing.
- Subsequent treatments (30 minutes) £30.00
A course of distant healing treatments can really help in the same way as a course of contact healing treatments.
Payment in advance of the treatment is appreciated. If a contact session has been booked then payment at the time of treatment is acceptable.
Payment can be made by cheque (made payable to "Jenny Moir"), or by
Please send Paypal payments to
Please note: depending on where you live or where your animal is stabled, travelling expenses may apply at 30p per mile. Locations within a 15-mile radius of Reading, Berkshire will not be charged travelling expenses.